Call for Papers

Important Dates

Submissions Open: January 15th, 2023

Submission Deadline: February 3rd February 8th, 2023, 23:59 AoE (anywhere on earth)

Author Notification: March 3rd, 2023

Workshop Date: May 4th & 5th, 2023

Submission Instructions

The workshop submission and review are handled by OpenReview


Eligible Work

We aim to showcase:

Both technical and position papers can be up-to 8 pages in length excluding the references and the appendix. We encourage work-in-progress submissions and expect most submissions to be approximately 4 pages. Papers can be submitted in any of the ICLR, Neurips or ICML conference formats.

This workshop is non-archival, and it will not have proceedings. We permit under-review or concurrent submissions (except ICLR 2023). Submissions will receive one of three possible decisions:

Topics of Interest

Reviewing Criteria

Our goal is to build a broad community around questions related to neural network sparsity. As such, we aim to accept all submissions that are (1) relevant to the topic area of the conference, (2) technically well-substantiated, and (3) non-trivial or previously unknown results. 

Reviewing will be conducted in a double-blind fashion.